A procedure for establishing European alliances for territorial cooperation has started

A procedure for establishing European alliances for territorial cooperation has started

12 Oct 2009 | 15:45
The establishment of European alliances for territorial cooperation (EATC) is initiated today. The procedure   starts with the publication of the statutes for their establishment in Durzhaven Vestnik (Issue 80, from 09.10.2009).

The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works will preserve and keep the registers of EATC. Alliances with headquarters in Bulgaria, and alliances of Bulgarian juridical persons who are members of EATC with headquarters in other European countries will be registered in them.

For the establishment of EATC can apply member-countries, regional authorities, local authorities, publicly-legal organizations and unions of the above-mentioned subjects. The potential members must be at least from two member-countries of the EU.

EATC is being established in order to facilitate and encourage territorial cooperation – cross-border, cross-national and inter-regional – and aiming at the strengthening of the economic and social rapprochement between the participants.

The establishment of EATC and the duration of their actions extend over both the present and the future program periods.

The establishment documentation are available at www.mrrb.government.bg  (in the Legal Acts/Regulations section), and at www.bgregio.eu, www.eufunds.bg.