Accelerating the infrastructure activities is a main priority in the preparation for the Presidency of the Council of the EU

Accelerating the infrastructure activities is a main priority in the preparation for the Presidency of the Cou

03 Feb 2017 | 00:00

The Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Spas Popnikolov and the Deputy Prime-Minister on the preparation of the Presidency of the EU Council – 2018 Denitsa Zlateva held a working meeting. They outlined a plan for enhanced cooperation regarding the preparation of the infrastructure for the Presidency, in order to ensure the timely completion of the repair activities.

The Deputy Prime-Minister Denitsa Zlateva called for an enhanced coordination and mutual control for/in the preparation and assignation of the public procurements for the Presidency. The acceleration of the repair activities on the sites, where over 220 meetings during the first six months of 2018 will be held, was defined as a main priority.

Zlateva pointed out that it’s of crucial importance the image of the National Palace of Culture and its cultural value to be completely preserved.

The dialogue with all stakeholders and the transparency to the public will be guiding principles in the process of infrastructure renovation, related to the conduct of the Presidency, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister were explicit.

Spas Popnikolov assured that the Ministry of Regional Development And Public Works will assist the planning of measures, which will be adopted to ensure the security of the National Palace of Culture during the Presidency, with/through expertise. The coordination actions will be continued on a working meeting with all relevant institutions and stakeholders in the process of the preparation of the National Palace of Culture for the Presidency next week.
