Minister Plevneliev and Deputy-Minister Zaharieva will participate in a real estate conference

Minister Plevneliev and Deputy-Minister Zaharieva will participate in a real estate conference

05 Nov 2009 | 17:22
Tomorrow, the 5th November 2009, at 10:00h, the Minister Plevneliev and the Deputy-Minister Zaharieva will take part in the real estate conference for the Balkans “Awaiting Recovery”. The forum will be held at the Kempinski Hotel Zografski.
Minister Plevneliev will present to the participants in the conference which of the real estate industry proposals have been approved for the new government’s program, the legislative initiatives and changes focused on the crisis management in this sector.
Deputy-Minister Zaharieva’s participation is in the Panel “After BalREAct - Anti-crisis decisions. Legislative initiatives and changes, state mechanisms for managing the crisis situation in the sector. The new business agenda.”