Minister Plevneliev had a meeting with the First Vice-President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Mr Varel Freeman

Minister Plevneliev had a meeting with the First Vice-President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and De

15 Oct 2009 | 13:19

Today, 14th October 2009, the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Rosen Plevneliev had a meeting with the First Vice-President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Mr Varel Freeman.

At the meeting Mr Freeman expressed his satisfaction with the active cooperation between MRDPW and EBRD, especially in connection with supporting the development of municipality infrastructure, and confirmed EBRD’s willingness to participate more actively in other areas of the Ministry’s activity, as for example the road infrastructure development.

During the meeting, Minister Plevneliev presented the Ministry’s progress in the common projects of MRDPW and EBRD – the Integrated Water Projects in Burgas and Russe, as well as the project for reconstruction of the water-supply system in Plovdiv.

Minister Plevneliev presented the EBRD delegation with the priority projects for the road infrastructure (the Russe-Shumen road, the Russe-Veliko Turnovo road, etc.) that cannot be financially supported by the “Transport” and “regional Development” Operational Programs, and for whose implementation other finance sources are sought.

Special attention was paid to the activity and efficiency of the FLAG Fund, as both parties agreed on the Fund’s good work and usefulness for supporting the municipalities at their project preparation work that are to be financed by European funds. In this respect, Minister Plevneliev underlined the importance of the EBRD’s support, not only as a financial institution, but as the opportunity for consultant help as well.

According to Mr Varel Freeman, 2009 has been very dynamic and successful for the Bank. Until this moment, EBRD has poured into Bulgaria 250 million euro for the implementation of different projects. Mr Freeman expressed his hope for future cooperation at the realization of public-private partnership road projects (PPP road projects), water-supply projects and purifying stations, pipelines, etc.
