Minister Plevneliev officially opened the annual conference on the occasion of the progress and implementation of OPRD

Minister Plevneliev officially opened the annual conference on the occasion of the progress and implementation

21 Dec 2009 | 12:07

On 17th December 2009, Tuesday,The Minister of Regional Development and Public Work Rosen Plevneliev opened the official annual conference, providing the implementation of Operational Program “Regional Development”2007-2013.

The Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Public Work- Liliyana Pavlova put the main accent on detailed presentation of the process and implementation of the program up to the present moment.
At the time of the forum Minister Plevneliev handed diplomas to the representatives of the media. The diplomas are based on comprehensive and objective reporting of the activity of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Work during the process of implementation of the program “Regional Development” 2007-2013.

Deputy Minister Liliyana Pavlova in her capacity of head of OPRD awarded some municipality mayors, who had successfully implemented contracts on the Operational program “Regional Development”2007-2013.
The conference was held at Sheraton Hotel Balkan, 9.30 am, in Serdika hall.
