Workshop at the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works about the “Ljulin” Highway

Workshop at the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works about the “Ljulin” Highway

20 Nov 2009 | 13:12

Today, at the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, a workshop was held on the problems associated with the construction of the “Ljulin” Highway. Mr. Bozhidar Yotov, acting as Chairman of the Board of Directors of API - the "Road Infrastructure" Agency -attended the meeting, and also the Project Manager for the Highway, Mr. Frank Weindorf, as well as the mayors of Pernik, Golyamo Buchino and Malo Buchino and MPs from the region.

Minister Plevneliev stressed that the Highway is a “major priority of both the government and Europe” and should be ready by the end of 2010.

After a detailed analysis of the situation, the representatives of Pernik Municipality, of the Road Agency, and the Project Manager, all agreed that the quantities of deferred mass are to be measured every two months, and then the amount is to be paid within ten days.

The parties agreed on the need to build a new reservoir near Malo Buchino, which will provide for the needs of the town and the building-site. In ten days’ time, representatives from API and Pernik Municipality must make an expert assessment of the value of the new reservoir, which would provided by 50 percent from Pernik Municipality and by 50% of compensations.

It was decided at the meeting that the participants are to mediate in talks with the representatives of the contractor "Mapa Chengiz", and the people from the villages near the site to find a price of compromise for the benefits. Mr. Weindorf assured the representatives that in the process of construction in case there is penetration of land masses in private estates, the site locations will be restored to their original appearance once the construction works are over.

Minister Plevneliev urged the parties to quickly find a solution that is whether to seek funds to repair the five-kilometer stretch Malo Buchino, in order to alleviate traffic, or first complete the construction of the Highway - in December 2010 - and then work on the above mentioned section.
